Many people make a Will and assume that’s all they need to do. But things change as time goes by and it is worth reviewing your will every few years to check it still reflects your current wishes. Even if you are happy with the main provisions of your Will, you can still make changes.
If you choose to use a solicitor, additional provisions by way of a codicil can be made. For example, if you decide to add a legacy to Leicester Animal Aid some time after your Will is written, a codicil is a way to do this. You will need to have two independent witnesses present and to sign when you do.
If you choose an online Will-writing service like Beyond, there will be an option of changing your Will whenever you wish by paying an optional annual subscription.
Suggested wording for a codicil
"I (name) of (address) declare this to be my first codicil to my last Will, dated (date). I give (details of the legacy) to Leicester Animal Aid, Registered Charity Number 242560, Elmwood Farm, Forest Road, Huncote, Leicester LE9 3LE, for its general purposes and I direct that the receipt of a duly authorised officer shall be a valid and appropriate form of discharge. In all other respects I confirm my Will."